here i am in the car driving down to Florida with my family + Leah's friend Charlette. Right now we are sitting in ATL Traffic yo, which is pretty much the worst ever. We are about 8 hours from our destination, and it is 1:30 which means we will get there probably around 10 or 11 because of stops along the way. Unfortunately this means i will have to miss LOST!!!!! plus i already missed the announcement of who got voted off AMERICAN IDOL *crossed fingers that Jason stayed on*. but yeah, The end of the world? i think so.
i guess there's always the internet....
speaking of the internet, having a macbook is alot less fun without access to the web. i was going to do something on garageband and half the loops you have to download! which is difficult without internet. finding wi-fi spots is pretty challenging on the road. Luckily this dilemma will be remedied when we get to my Nana's house.
talk you you all then!
(or at least the 2, maybe 3 people that read this :-P)