So i am going to do a Pseudo political blog seeing as i haven't ever done one on here that i can remember.
I was driving in the car with the Huerta family and Micaela brought up how Christians deal with the controversial topic of Global warming. It sorta got me thinking and so here is my take on the issue
I think that Christians can't deny that global warming is happening. Polar ice caps are smaller and scientists can measure CO2 levels etc. I think the controversy is the cause of it, and to what extent. For one, this isn't the first time climate issues have been risen. back in the 70s scientists said that an"ice age was imminent". How much of the climate changes naturally? how much is humans?
People like Al Gore and the far left environmental organization ELF (Earth Liberation Front) would like us to believe that its humans fault and some would go so far as to say its the U.S.'s fault mainly. E.L.F., which holds this view, was responsible for the burning of $10 million worth of homes a few weeks ago in Seattle because the homes weren't "green enough". For one the claim that Global warming is mainly the U.S.'s fault is bogus. if you have been to any third world country and stood on the streets you will realize that the United States is remarkably clean in comparison.
As a Christian i personally feel my role in this is to be a good steward to the earth that God has given us, and if there are chances to conserve waste and to be more earth friendly, then to of course take them. who would want to pollute the earth? Also to be open minded and realize that there are other causes for global warming than humans (the sun is burning brighter, current changes, movement of the Milky way etc.) (not saying that humans shouldn't do what they can to prevent it) and be wary of spending millions of dollars of tax money on things that we are not even sure about, and that scientists can't all agree on.
but ultimately we know that we have a Father in heaven who has the whole world in his hands, and we can be rest assured that his plan for his creation is the best one.
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