Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hey y'all! its been awhile....

just thought i would write something here and update the world on whats going on in my life...

I have a JOB!!

i got a job at subway...yeaaaaahhhh its a good time i guess.

so today i was in Edina chillin with aaron ian and eventually gabby and we were all having a grand 'ol time at noodles & company when my phone started ringing... it was work saying that i was actually supposed to work today....


yeah i pretty much was freaking out because my schedule at home definatley said i wasn't working... so god bless Gabby who drove me to county road C where my bosses husband picked me up... awkward? yeah pretty much. i was pissed i missed swimming at aarons and the twins game.

so thinking that people would be mad at me, and me thinking i would be mad at people (my mom confirmed that i was not on the schedule that was given to me) i entered work.... now if you know me good enough you know i really can't hold a grudge... especially when the people i am mad at are apologetic... i really wish i could sometimes, but i guess its for the better... anyways as i was saying i got to work and everyone there was not mad but more thrilled that i actually showed up. apparently i was my managers last resort and she had tried calling everyone else to cover the shift before she called me and i was the only one who picked up my phone...


so i worked... and extra hour later as well... but hey i am getting paid and my manager felt bad so she gave me free sub coupons!!! YAY!!!
