Wednesday, October 31, 2007
it's October 31st. the end of, what seemed to me, a month that just flew by!
well this is the first Halloween in our new house and it certainly was not a very festive one.... first off our neighborhood isn't necessarily the best place for tick-or-treating. and secondly we did no pumpkin carving. :-( we got as far as buying the pumpkin but never got around to carving it this year.
instead we put it up on a ledge in our living room and let it sit decoratively.
2 days ago we started noticing a puckilicious, nasty smell. We looked and looked for some dead mouse or rotten eggs that must have been left laying around. It wasn't til yesterday, when our whole living room just smelled nasty, that we realized our pumpkin was rotten. sunken. and that its rotten juices had oozed out all over the place. gross.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
So Today i was reading my bible, something that i have been trying to make a habbit for some time now, I was reading Galations 5... the chapter about the fruits of the spirit etc... a chapter that i have read again and again my entire life. Its intresting how you can read something a million times and the read it again and find new meaning that you never have seen before. this is sort of what happened for me today. let me type the verse for you just to highlight what stood out to me...
Galations 5:18-25
18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. 19 Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy,
fits of anger,
21 envy,
[4] drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness,
against such things there is no law. 24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
k so i don't want to sound like a preacher, but this verse really got me thinking.... it says not perform orgies or get drunk and not to take part in the things of the flesh but also in the list is dissentions, divisions, rivalries, fits of anger... how many times have i argued with my parents or gone into fits of anger at sibilings? how many times have there been divisions and dissensions among friends?
the word says that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom... that is powerful language... that is a higher calling.
my prayers recently have reflected that. i have been praying for the fruits of the spirt to be evident in my life... that i would be patient... kind, i have been praying that i would have self-control. and what stuck out to me for the first time was the word peace. that is the one attribute that doesn't really fit... its not a verb... you can't "peace" someone... so i am taking it as an emotion, like joy, or self-control... which i had never really thought before. it is a fruit to be at peace about things... "Michael, don't be anxious about anything!"
keep praying for me as i continue strive to live for christ.
Friday, September 14, 2007
a little update on my life...
yesterday, at home inside (it was raining) drinking tea, trying do do homework...ending up on facebook...whats new?
anyways.... i started this yesterday and i'm finishing it up here at school. school. what am i doing here? what do i want to major in? where do i want to go? i finally think i know what i want to pursue... political science.
in the realm of politics there are hundreds of jobs besides running for office and its really something i enjoy... i love people, and i feel like i get along with them pretty well... i have no problem calling people, planning things, trying to organize events etc... and i have already taken 2 political science classes and loved them! i guess it just kind of dawned on me the other day.... so yeah, idealy i would love to eventually move to D.C. and just get a job working for a senator or ambassador or who knows... a president? (:-P yeah right.. it never hurts to dream though...) my cousin is living in D.C. and is in international relations.... see i would LOVE that! anyways i am blabbering now. and i need to go!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
last night me and my family got home from closing up our cabin (picture above)on labor day, a lifelong tradition for our family... labor day marks the end of summer for me... the end of days at the lake tubing and skiing, climbing trees and making ropeswings, going for walks by jesse lake, and making bonfires on the beach... however, as fun as all this is, it saddened me this weekend about how little time i spent up at green lake and how my summer mostly consisted of working... but thats life.
also this summer i lost good friends. Trey, Mason and their family moved to virgina which was hard for our entire family. the previous 3-4 months before they left i didn't feel we did as many things together as we used to; mainly because of us moving to Wyoming MN, but also we started hanging out with different circles of people... but what really makes a true good friend is that he still would call me up out of the blue just to see how i was doing.. and i would do the same. and even though he struggled with his faith, he would still ask me about mine, and it was never a burden to talk and pray with him about his faith. we really were like brothers. loosing someone who actually really cares about you is always hard. So this summer has been a learning time for me, where God has shown me that friends move away, and all friends are human and can fail, and as close as you think you are to someone God can take it all away, and show you his glory through it, and can make your relationship with him so much sweeter.
as much as i love summer and its random adventures and lots of free time i am looking forward this fall. I love fall with its cooler weather and regularity. as strange as this might sound to some i'm looking forward to once again having a routine and getting into a regular schedule again.
God bless
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Hey y'all! its been awhile....
just thought i would write something here and update the world on whats going on in my life...
I have a JOB!!
i got a job at subway...yeaaaaahhhh its a good time i guess.
so today i was in Edina chillin with aaron ian and eventually gabby and we were all having a grand 'ol time at noodles & company when my phone started ringing... it was work saying that i was actually supposed to work today....
yeah i pretty much was freaking out because my schedule at home definatley said i wasn't working... so god bless Gabby who drove me to county road C where my bosses husband picked me up... awkward? yeah pretty much. i was pissed i missed swimming at aarons and the twins game.
so thinking that people would be mad at me, and me thinking i would be mad at people (my mom confirmed that i was not on the schedule that was given to me) i entered work.... now if you know me good enough you know i really can't hold a grudge... especially when the people i am mad at are apologetic... i really wish i could sometimes, but i guess its for the better... anyways as i was saying i got to work and everyone there was not mad but more thrilled that i actually showed up. apparently i was my managers last resort and she had tried calling everyone else to cover the shift before she called me and i was the only one who picked up my phone...
so i worked... and extra hour later as well... but hey i am getting paid and my manager felt bad so she gave me free sub coupons!!! YAY!!!
just thought i would write something here and update the world on whats going on in my life...
I have a JOB!!
i got a job at subway...yeaaaaahhhh its a good time i guess.
so today i was in Edina chillin with aaron ian and eventually gabby and we were all having a grand 'ol time at noodles & company when my phone started ringing... it was work saying that i was actually supposed to work today....
yeah i pretty much was freaking out because my schedule at home definatley said i wasn't working... so god bless Gabby who drove me to county road C where my bosses husband picked me up... awkward? yeah pretty much. i was pissed i missed swimming at aarons and the twins game.
so thinking that people would be mad at me, and me thinking i would be mad at people (my mom confirmed that i was not on the schedule that was given to me) i entered work.... now if you know me good enough you know i really can't hold a grudge... especially when the people i am mad at are apologetic... i really wish i could sometimes, but i guess its for the better... anyways as i was saying i got to work and everyone there was not mad but more thrilled that i actually showed up. apparently i was my managers last resort and she had tried calling everyone else to cover the shift before she called me and i was the only one who picked up my phone...
so i worked... and extra hour later as well... but hey i am getting paid and my manager felt bad so she gave me free sub coupons!!! YAY!!!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
that is the number of thimes i have been pulled over by our wonderful law enforcment officers... wonderful eh?
luckily the reason i was pulled over was apparently they thought i was under the influence... and after taking numerous tests they determined that i was completely coherent. whew. of the hook. it took some convincing though... they were pretty determined to prove i was on marijuana. they got some drug specialist who told me to stick out my tounge. "aaaaaaaaa"
"why is the back of your tounge green??"
"maybe because i was drinking an energy drink??"
"its also a sign of marijuana use...."
"i didn't know that officer..."
"Alright, well look straight ahead"
"is there a reason why your eyes are blood shot????"
"i don't know...."
"that is also a sign of drug use...."
"yes. keep looking ahead... is there a reason your eyes arn't dialating when i shine the light in them??"
"i don't know..."
"ok wait here."
yep they eventually let me go... after searching my car... they still thought i was a drugie though... pretty much.... so this whole thing probably took at least 40 minutes. yeah. thats all i have to say.
Friday, May 11, 2007
At long last summer is in sight!!
with all the joys and draw backs...
one drawback for me is mowing our lawn... something which i need to do today... if you have seen our lawn you will realize it is massive, and we don't have our riding lawn mower yet. i should get on that....
but this minor inconvienience is quickly forgotten by the fact that there is no school!! i am now done with my classes!! all that is left is 3 daunting finals next week which i havn't started studying for yet....yeah...i should get on that....
then today after that, i guess i am going to the Senior Gala. that should be fun. except i will probaly have to bring my studying with me.... because then on sunday it is mother's day, and then monday is my first final...AAAAA no time to study. freak out. i really shouldn't go and focus on school will work out i guess. :-)
i should get to work.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
"A picture of Shakespeare? how strange..."
you might be saying to yourselves...
for the past 3 days i have been emerged in his play "Othello, the moor of Venice"
well i had to write a paper... my last paper for this school year.
i have been really struggling with finding anything to write about this. and i honestly think i had writers block, because i had so many ideas flying through my head that none of them landed on paper... well as i was driving home from school today still trying to figure out what to write i had a stunning revalation. i realized that this play is really all about mis-communication. i can write about that. this is something that i can relate to.
in the end of the play pretty much everyone dies. and if they didn't die their lives were ruined. and why? because none of the characters communicated with eachother. they all assumed things about the others, and came to their own conclusions. this attitude ruined their lives and relationships. well in my life right now, there seems to be some major lack of communications, not nessicarilly with me personally but between friends. i was just convicted that, yes we need to talk about things more with eachother before they explode, but infinatley more important to pray together, as a group.... because that is what makes frienships lasting and significant.
sorry i don't mean to sound glum... im really not :-) but that is what i think....
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
its ironic how the last assignment for school i have is the one i am finding most difficult and hardest to get done....
its frustrating trying to write a paper when you can't get ANY of your thoughts down on paper....
i don't really know why i am writing this blog. i guess i have been trying to write for so long without getting anything done, that i need to write SOMETHING. writers block maybe? i don;t know... well enough rambling for tonight. i am heading off to bed and i will attempt to finish my paper tomorrow...
God bless
Monday, May 07, 2007
i am convinced of the healing powers of taking a shower.
or maybe random naps.
or tea?
or ice cream?
writing a blog on my thoughts?
a combination of all of the above?
well anyways right after i wrote my previous blog i started feeling better... then i took a shower and drank some tea, took a nap and then drank some more tea... all that to say is i feel like a new person. and as i re-read my blog i though about deleting it... delete the sleep deprived, runny nose, sore throught, jumbled thoughts that had been running through my head. so i decided to be a blogger nerd and write this and write another blog... on the same day! wow i'm bored. which is bad because i have so much to do =/ but anyways... i should probably start my paper due tomorrow...yeah...
oh and 24 is tonight!!!!!!
this may be blasphempous BUT.... i am more excited for Heroes... and am tempted to watch that instead... *gasp*
no of course i am watching 24 but still :-)
well my parents decided for me that this week i am having no social life. so no midnight adventures for me...only this week though because i need to study for finals and finish assingments...wich is probably good...but yeah maybe they'll forget by friday...we'll see
He has walled up my way, so that I cannot pass,
and he has set darkness upon my paths.
9 He has stripped from me my glory
and taken the crown from my head.
10 He breaks me down on every side, and I am gone,
and my hope has he pulled up like a tree.
11 He has kindled his wrath against me
and counts me as his adversary.
12 His troops come on together;
they have cast up their siege ramp against me
and encamp around my tent.
13 “He has put my brothers far from me,
and those who knew me are wholly estranged from me.
14 My relatives have failed me,
my close friends have forgotten me.
I have become a foreigner in their eyes.
23 “Oh that my words were written!
Oh that they were inscribed in a book!
24 Oh that with an iron pen and lead
they were engraved in the rock forever!
25 For I know that my Redeemer lives,
and at the last he will stand upon the earth.
26 And after my skin has been thus destroyed,
yet in my flesh I shall see God,
27 whom I shall see for myself,
and my eyes shall behold, and not another.
My heart faints within me!"
Job 19
i think god is trying to teach me to find all my comfort and support in him, and in him alone. there has been alot going on in my life and all my friend's lifes around me, and we have all grown extremely close. lately i feel that this closeness is being stripped away,
for no reason thats clear to me.
i don't want to go into detail...
last night/ this morning i felt like i was breaking down physically and emotionally. what i thought were allergies yesterday turns out to be a virus of sorts... and waking up feeling like i'm about to colapse, but still having to go to school probably didn't help...
i felt like there was no one there.
i am wrong of course, i was able to talk to a newer, but still dear, friend, and sorta jsut vent.... But most importantly God is always there! and i struggled with actually finding my support in him and not others. And just being able to Pray and talk aloud with him... just helpped lift burrdens off my shoulders...
i really do feel that friends ARE critical. and God gives them to us to help eachother and encourage one another. and it's is important to talk about things, work things through, and most importantly pray together...
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,"
Friday, May 04, 2007
Michael has failed to post a new blog in a VERY long while.. So i've taken it upon myself to post for him.
Well, as far as I know, Michaels day went as follows..
1.Woke up.
2. Had a random conversation on the phone with Kaija.
3. Made coffee
4. Made a egg and cheese sandwich for breakfast.
5. Showered.
6. Got dressed (supposedly.)
7. Went over to Edina eventually and picked up Gabby from school.
8. Went over to Kates.
9. Went to Leons.
10. Went home before a midnight curfew.
That's pretty much it..
Like I said, this is as far as I know.
Later. I'll probably update this later..
-Kaija (fake Michael.)
Michael has failed to post a new blog in a VERY long while.. So i've taken it upon myself to post for him.
Well, as far as I know, Michaels day went as follows..
1.Woke up.
2. Had a random conversation on the phone with Kaija.
3. Made coffee
4. Made a egg and cheese sandwich for breakfast.
5. Showered.
6. Got dressed (supposedly.)
7. Went over to Edina eventually and picked up Gabby from school.
8. Went over to Kates.
9. Went to Leons.
10. Went home before a midnight curfew.
That's pretty much it..
Like I said, this is as far as I know.
Later. I'll probably update this later..
-Kaija (fake Michael.)
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
today i was sitting outside, drinking tea, and enjoying the suns rays that were warming up my skin. its these kind of moments that i really have time to think, and reflect.
this particular afternoon i was thinking to myself that after a few months of non-stop drama and tragedies.... i think that my life has gotten to a brief point of rest. a time for me to catch my breath before the next waves of events. whatever they may be.
now i pretty much know who reads my blog, but just for the sake of privacy and unwanted attention i will be vague when it comes to names....
one of my closest freinds, probably best freind, my brother, is finally (i hope) getting over a hard season of life where he rejected his faith and tried to find satisfaction in the world. i have been encouraged talking with him and praying with him, and just seeing God starting to answer prayer!! its amazing...
thats just one example... there is so many more dramas though that i feel are starting to wind down.... and even though most of them aren't completely over, i feel like i can deal with it. this probably has to do with the fact that our house is starting to feel like OUR house. boxes are dissappearing and furniture and homely things are stating to appear.
i realize that no life is perfect and struggle free, and i am assured that there will be hardships to come... but at this moment i am at peace. and drinking tea. and avoiding math homework......the main sourse of stress in my life right now =/
but anyways
those are my thoughts for today.
i thank God for you guys
Saturday, April 21, 2007
so today was the father daughter tea. every year we transform the commons and fellowship hall of our church into a Medival City. there are decorations, games, shops, roaming minstrels, venders, and all sorts of other niffty little things like that that gives the whole place a middle ages feel.
my family was the royal family. all i did for 4 hours was sit and eat food and drink mass quantity's of tea. and wear tights. and a purple outfit. wow. yeah so that was my day... it was hard though i wanted to go out and enjoy the 80 degree weather, and frolic in the grass... or go for a walk, or go swimming (those costumes got HOT!). but even though i would've rather been outside, i was able to find joy in taking part in an event that ove 200 fathers and daughters were able to enjoy. but now i am exhausted. so i am going to go sleep.
Cheers! (ha ha sorry i've been a medival prince all day :-P)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
New layouts... :-)
old cars.. :-(
so yes yesterday as i was driving to piano lessons i heard a funny noise at the front of my car... i desregarded it because it went away after a while... then a few miles down the road the temperature gauge spikes all the hazard lights went on and i FREAKED OUT!! so i exit... and go to a gas station (convienently across the street from the North Campus) and i open the hood....PSSSSSSSSSS.... smoke. yeah some random belt broke... so now i am carless until sometinme today this afternon. apparently its an easy repair... but still... after waiting around for more than 2 hours... i missed piano lessons and couldn't go anywhere for 24... :-( it was actually a good day though...
old cars.. :-(
so yes yesterday as i was driving to piano lessons i heard a funny noise at the front of my car... i desregarded it because it went away after a while... then a few miles down the road the temperature gauge spikes all the hazard lights went on and i FREAKED OUT!! so i exit... and go to a gas station (convienently across the street from the North Campus) and i open the hood....PSSSSSSSSSS.... smoke. yeah some random belt broke... so now i am carless until sometinme today this afternon. apparently its an easy repair... but still... after waiting around for more than 2 hours... i missed piano lessons and couldn't go anywhere for 24... :-( it was actually a good day though...
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Finally. our home is starting to feel like home. i have a bed with sheets. my room is painted! (brown and blue :-) )
bad picture...but whatever. i took it with my phone. i just like having pictures with my posts...i think it adds something... i am getting sidetracked..
anyways! we have actually painted all the bedrooms.... we have moved in most of the furniture. we can see the back of our garage. we found our teapot ( which some of you can appreciate :-P) AND we got our cool new high efficency washing and drying machine!!
soon i will post some pictures up... maybe when our house isn't so messy....
but our house still seems far away... it has been encouraging though! Ian and Aaron and Kate i think have all drove out here numerous times! Our house is ALWAYS open for anyone. no joke. we feel as if this is the lords house and will be used for ministry and just a place where people will want to come... so, anytime just give me a call and come on over :-) or just show up spontaneously... either way.
bad picture...but whatever. i took it with my phone. i just like having pictures with my posts...i think it adds something... i am getting sidetracked..
anyways! we have actually painted all the bedrooms.... we have moved in most of the furniture. we can see the back of our garage. we found our teapot ( which some of you can appreciate :-P) AND we got our cool new high efficency washing and drying machine!!
soon i will post some pictures up... maybe when our house isn't so messy....
but our house still seems far away... it has been encouraging though! Ian and Aaron and Kate i think have all drove out here numerous times! Our house is ALWAYS open for anyone. no joke. we feel as if this is the lords house and will be used for ministry and just a place where people will want to come... so, anytime just give me a call and come on over :-) or just show up spontaneously... either way.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
So....yes...we are semi-moving into our house today!!!!! i am super excited!!!!! we have not been in a house for approaching 8 monnths. so today we are taking all of our belongings from my grandparents house and moving them into our new house. we will be sleeping on matresses on the floor for a few days while we paint and put in flooring etc. AHHHH! i am ecstatic! wow. well i need to pack this computer now... so i thought i'd write this really quick because we won't have internet for a while... bummer... i'll write more at school though!
til then
til then
Sunday, April 01, 2007
wow all i can say, is i have amazing friends.
yesterday at the mall of america, during "Mall Madness", i was hungry...of course... so i decided to get some chineese. it sure tasted good at the time but i am almost positive i got food poisioning from it...later that evening it came back to haunt me.
i was driving kaija to Grace church for the easter play. I felt awful. apparently i was swerving quite a bit. kaija told me
"Michael, if gabby was here she would be freaking out!!"
thats when you know i am driving crazy :-P
no, but its probably true considering tha when we got to grace i almost collapsed in the parking lot... and almost passed out in the commons.
all this to say, after complicating Kaija's evening sitting backstage grace for an hour sleeping/being cold. she persisted on taking care of me even though i was being a pill and not wanting any help. even more, after everyone telling me i couldm't drive Aaron brought me home in my own car, while Erin (a girl from grace) followed, and the brought Aaron back to grace for his car... thats about 2 hours of driving... i thank God for Friends that care!!
Friday, March 30, 2007
i just found this post that i thought got deleted with my blog on my jump drive!
yeah so i am posting it because my blog is rather bare right now.....
the past few months have been crazy.
and unpredictable.
From our family selling our home and loosing the one we thought we were going to buy, from the paralysis of a dear dear brother in christ, from the countless trials and struggles in my friends lives, ranging from Drug Abuse, to depression, to faith issues, to realationship breakups and much more.
all these things causes stress and anxiety. not knowing what to say to a freind in need, not being able do do anything or help in a hard situation, not being able to encourage somebody, not feeling like things are going right. time after time things keep going wrong.
Being home 1 or 2 days of the week and getting less than 6 hours of sleep a night have not helped matters at all either.
where is God in all this?
i feel as if my life is spiraling downward.
or at least i did.
God is here with me. carrying me through. through these tribulations i have grwon so close to God, and the friendships i had with some of my freinds have grown so much deeper than they would have otherwise. the same thing with my family. even though i am gone the majority of the time, my parents have never stopped supporting me, and i thank God for this blessing!
there are still many obstacles ahead. and many frustrating things to overcome. but i am assured that All things will work for the good of those who love our savior.
Little do men perceive what solitude is, and how far it extendeth. For a crowd is not company, and faces are but a gallery of pictures, and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love.
yeah so i am posting it because my blog is rather bare right now.....
the past few months have been crazy.
and unpredictable.
From our family selling our home and loosing the one we thought we were going to buy, from the paralysis of a dear dear brother in christ, from the countless trials and struggles in my friends lives, ranging from Drug Abuse, to depression, to faith issues, to realationship breakups and much more.
all these things causes stress and anxiety. not knowing what to say to a freind in need, not being able do do anything or help in a hard situation, not being able to encourage somebody, not feeling like things are going right. time after time things keep going wrong.
Being home 1 or 2 days of the week and getting less than 6 hours of sleep a night have not helped matters at all either.
where is God in all this?
i feel as if my life is spiraling downward.
or at least i did.
God is here with me. carrying me through. through these tribulations i have grwon so close to God, and the friendships i had with some of my freinds have grown so much deeper than they would have otherwise. the same thing with my family. even though i am gone the majority of the time, my parents have never stopped supporting me, and i thank God for this blessing!
there are still many obstacles ahead. and many frustrating things to overcome. but i am assured that All things will work for the good of those who love our savior.
Little do men perceive what solitude is, and how far it extendeth. For a crowd is not company, and faces are but a gallery of pictures, and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love.
Today is the 30 of March, 3 days away from my family moving into our new house!!!
This exites me very much, considering we have been without a home for the past 6 months. and i have been sleeping on a couch the majority of this time. :-)
However, this means i am moving farther away from some of my dearest friends. (Gabby, Kaija, Trey, Beau, Aaron H., Aaron G., Ian etc.) some people might say "oh wow michael 40 minutes! thats nothing!!" and that would be true considering trey is moving to virgina.... BUT this is still going to be very inconvienient and hard to adjust to. but oh well! God is good! this move is good! and you all have to come to our house alot :-)
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