"A picture of Shakespeare? how strange..."
you might be saying to yourselves...
for the past 3 days i have been emerged in his play "Othello, the moor of Venice"
well i had to write a paper... my last paper for this school year.
i have been really struggling with finding anything to write about this. and i honestly think i had writers block, because i had so many ideas flying through my head that none of them landed on paper... well as i was driving home from school today still trying to figure out what to write i had a stunning revalation. i realized that this play is really all about mis-communication. i can write about that. this is something that i can relate to.
in the end of the play pretty much everyone dies. and if they didn't die their lives were ruined. and why? because none of the characters communicated with eachother. they all assumed things about the others, and came to their own conclusions. this attitude ruined their lives and relationships. well in my life right now, there seems to be some major lack of communications, not nessicarilly with me personally but between friends. i was just convicted that, yes we need to talk about things more with eachother before they explode, but infinatley more important to pray together, as a group.... because that is what makes frienships lasting and significant.
sorry i don't mean to sound glum... im really not :-) but that is what i think....
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