Thursday, May 31, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
that is the number of thimes i have been pulled over by our wonderful law enforcment officers... wonderful eh?
luckily the reason i was pulled over was apparently they thought i was under the influence... and after taking numerous tests they determined that i was completely coherent. whew. of the hook. it took some convincing though... they were pretty determined to prove i was on marijuana. they got some drug specialist who told me to stick out my tounge. "aaaaaaaaa"
"why is the back of your tounge green??"
"maybe because i was drinking an energy drink??"
"its also a sign of marijuana use...."
"i didn't know that officer..."
"Alright, well look straight ahead"
"is there a reason why your eyes are blood shot????"
"i don't know...."
"that is also a sign of drug use...."
"yes. keep looking ahead... is there a reason your eyes arn't dialating when i shine the light in them??"
"i don't know..."
"ok wait here."
yep they eventually let me go... after searching my car... they still thought i was a drugie though... pretty much.... so this whole thing probably took at least 40 minutes. yeah. thats all i have to say.
Friday, May 11, 2007
At long last summer is in sight!!
with all the joys and draw backs...
one drawback for me is mowing our lawn... something which i need to do today... if you have seen our lawn you will realize it is massive, and we don't have our riding lawn mower yet. i should get on that....
but this minor inconvienience is quickly forgotten by the fact that there is no school!! i am now done with my classes!! all that is left is 3 daunting finals next week which i havn't started studying for yet....yeah...i should get on that....
then today after that, i guess i am going to the Senior Gala. that should be fun. except i will probaly have to bring my studying with me.... because then on sunday it is mother's day, and then monday is my first final...AAAAA no time to study. freak out. i really shouldn't go and focus on school will work out i guess. :-)
i should get to work.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
"A picture of Shakespeare? how strange..."
you might be saying to yourselves...
for the past 3 days i have been emerged in his play "Othello, the moor of Venice"
well i had to write a paper... my last paper for this school year.
i have been really struggling with finding anything to write about this. and i honestly think i had writers block, because i had so many ideas flying through my head that none of them landed on paper... well as i was driving home from school today still trying to figure out what to write i had a stunning revalation. i realized that this play is really all about mis-communication. i can write about that. this is something that i can relate to.
in the end of the play pretty much everyone dies. and if they didn't die their lives were ruined. and why? because none of the characters communicated with eachother. they all assumed things about the others, and came to their own conclusions. this attitude ruined their lives and relationships. well in my life right now, there seems to be some major lack of communications, not nessicarilly with me personally but between friends. i was just convicted that, yes we need to talk about things more with eachother before they explode, but infinatley more important to pray together, as a group.... because that is what makes frienships lasting and significant.
sorry i don't mean to sound glum... im really not :-) but that is what i think....
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
its ironic how the last assignment for school i have is the one i am finding most difficult and hardest to get done....
its frustrating trying to write a paper when you can't get ANY of your thoughts down on paper....
i don't really know why i am writing this blog. i guess i have been trying to write for so long without getting anything done, that i need to write SOMETHING. writers block maybe? i don;t know... well enough rambling for tonight. i am heading off to bed and i will attempt to finish my paper tomorrow...
God bless
Monday, May 07, 2007
i am convinced of the healing powers of taking a shower.
or maybe random naps.
or tea?
or ice cream?
writing a blog on my thoughts?
a combination of all of the above?
well anyways right after i wrote my previous blog i started feeling better... then i took a shower and drank some tea, took a nap and then drank some more tea... all that to say is i feel like a new person. and as i re-read my blog i though about deleting it... delete the sleep deprived, runny nose, sore throught, jumbled thoughts that had been running through my head. so i decided to be a blogger nerd and write this and write another blog... on the same day! wow i'm bored. which is bad because i have so much to do =/ but anyways... i should probably start my paper due tomorrow...yeah...
oh and 24 is tonight!!!!!!
this may be blasphempous BUT.... i am more excited for Heroes... and am tempted to watch that instead... *gasp*
no of course i am watching 24 but still :-)
well my parents decided for me that this week i am having no social life. so no midnight adventures for me...only this week though because i need to study for finals and finish assingments...wich is probably good...but yeah maybe they'll forget by friday...we'll see
He has walled up my way, so that I cannot pass,
and he has set darkness upon my paths.
9 He has stripped from me my glory
and taken the crown from my head.
10 He breaks me down on every side, and I am gone,
and my hope has he pulled up like a tree.
11 He has kindled his wrath against me
and counts me as his adversary.
12 His troops come on together;
they have cast up their siege ramp against me
and encamp around my tent.
13 “He has put my brothers far from me,
and those who knew me are wholly estranged from me.
14 My relatives have failed me,
my close friends have forgotten me.
I have become a foreigner in their eyes.
23 “Oh that my words were written!
Oh that they were inscribed in a book!
24 Oh that with an iron pen and lead
they were engraved in the rock forever!
25 For I know that my Redeemer lives,
and at the last he will stand upon the earth.
26 And after my skin has been thus destroyed,
yet in my flesh I shall see God,
27 whom I shall see for myself,
and my eyes shall behold, and not another.
My heart faints within me!"
Job 19
i think god is trying to teach me to find all my comfort and support in him, and in him alone. there has been alot going on in my life and all my friend's lifes around me, and we have all grown extremely close. lately i feel that this closeness is being stripped away,
for no reason thats clear to me.
i don't want to go into detail...
last night/ this morning i felt like i was breaking down physically and emotionally. what i thought were allergies yesterday turns out to be a virus of sorts... and waking up feeling like i'm about to colapse, but still having to go to school probably didn't help...
i felt like there was no one there.
i am wrong of course, i was able to talk to a newer, but still dear, friend, and sorta jsut vent.... But most importantly God is always there! and i struggled with actually finding my support in him and not others. And just being able to Pray and talk aloud with him... just helpped lift burrdens off my shoulders...
i really do feel that friends ARE critical. and God gives them to us to help eachother and encourage one another. and it's is important to talk about things, work things through, and most importantly pray together...
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,"
Friday, May 04, 2007
Michael has failed to post a new blog in a VERY long while.. So i've taken it upon myself to post for him.
Well, as far as I know, Michaels day went as follows..
1.Woke up.
2. Had a random conversation on the phone with Kaija.
3. Made coffee
4. Made a egg and cheese sandwich for breakfast.
5. Showered.
6. Got dressed (supposedly.)
7. Went over to Edina eventually and picked up Gabby from school.
8. Went over to Kates.
9. Went to Leons.
10. Went home before a midnight curfew.
That's pretty much it..
Like I said, this is as far as I know.
Later. I'll probably update this later..
-Kaija (fake Michael.)
Michael has failed to post a new blog in a VERY long while.. So i've taken it upon myself to post for him.
Well, as far as I know, Michaels day went as follows..
1.Woke up.
2. Had a random conversation on the phone with Kaija.
3. Made coffee
4. Made a egg and cheese sandwich for breakfast.
5. Showered.
6. Got dressed (supposedly.)
7. Went over to Edina eventually and picked up Gabby from school.
8. Went over to Kates.
9. Went to Leons.
10. Went home before a midnight curfew.
That's pretty much it..
Like I said, this is as far as I know.
Later. I'll probably update this later..
-Kaija (fake Michael.)
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